Richard III – Shakespeare at The George

Posted: Tue, February 20th, 2018

Tickets for this year’s summer outdoor production of “Richard III”, directed by Lynne Livingstone, will go on sale from Thursday 1st March.

(No perfomrance Sunday 1 July)

Tuesdayt 3 July is a captioned performance by Stagetext

£13.00 and £11.00
Under 16’s, only £7.50

 Tuesday 26th June and Monday 2nd July

    Richard III   
Directed by Lynne Livingstone
Assistant Director – Paula Incledon-Webber

Shakespeare at the George last performed Richard III in 1979, and this year’s cast will reap the benefit of two training workshops with key personnel from The Royal Shakespeare Company.

Professional Fight Choreographer and director, Tom Jordan, and Michael Corbidge, Senior Voice & Text Associate, will spend a day each with cast members, honing their sword fighting and speaking skills.

Written during Elizabeth I’s reign in 1591, Shakespeare puts a Tudor spin on the end of the Wars of the Roses and the rise of the Tudors. This political thriller about the desire for power and the all-consuming corruption of absolute power is even more timely today. Richard, Duke of Gloucester sweeps aside anyone in his way to achieve his goal of kingship. However, retaining the crown will take him to the darkest of places and turn a country aga.