Huntingdon Town Centre businesses have voted ‘YES’ in a ballot to renew the Business Improvement District (BID) for a further five years 2017 – 2022.
The results, released on Friday 30 June by Electoral Reform Services, showed 46% of Town Centre businesses voted with an overwhelming majority of 86% voting YES. Regulations state that in order for a BID to be successful a second trigger, ‘majority by rateable value‘ is also required and this was achieved with 89% of those who voted.
Huntingdon First Manager, Sue Bradshaw, said, “This is a great result for Huntingdon. I look forward to once again working together with the Town Centre businesses in the years ahead and to making Huntingdon a better place for customers and businesses alike.”
The BID Huntingdon Business Plan was developed through consultation with businesses in the BID area and will focus on:
- Raising awareness of what the town has on offer, including an online presence and full events calendar
- Enhancing the town centre experience for shoppers, visitors and workers
- Continuing with the successful team of Town Rangers, helping to make the town feel safe and welcoming
- Representing business needs with a stronger, shared voice
The Town Centre can expect to benefit financially with up to £1m being generated across five years. This will drive investment and give businesses a greater say in the way the town is marketed, maintained and managed.